It has been some time since I have put out a blog, and right now I don't have the excuse of saying I don't have time. The last time I talked to you, it was the beginning of the new year. The virus had yet to it, and we could all go to the store like normal people. It was great! Now, we are stuck inside staying home & staying safe for ourselves, loved ones & community. I hope you are still staying strong & coping with all of this. It’s not easy being holed up in your house, feeling anxious, sad or dealing with the stress of your kids, family, relationship or watching the news! That’s what stresses me out the most! I quickly turn it to FRIENDS! That’s my happy place!
I have been staying home keeping busy with lots of custom jobs from Etsy & around the Seattle area. If you have noticed, I have been taking a little bit of social media break while we are in lockdown. It’s actually been kind of nice to focus on myself, my house & new goals for Chalk Boss. I’m slowing getting back into making myself present & keeping you informed on what I have been up too.
My main focus for writing today, was to just say Hi! If you missed my social blast, then let me tell you about my new print! It’s for all you bakers, wanna be bakers, or baker friends! I’m more of a wanna be baker... LOL, so no judgment on anyone! I have had some quarantine baking fails this last month! I have made banana bread numerous times, rice crispy treats & even tackled an replica DQ ice cream cake for my husbands birthday. It turned out great! I linked the recipe below
I hope that you have taken up a hobby, have done some baking yourself or have found something to keep your mind positive & optimistic. My new bakers print is now listed in my shop. I hope you love it!
Remember please take good care of yourself and your loved ones. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Be patient and kind. Support your local community anyway you can as there is no better time to strengthen our bonds, to stand together (digitally), to help each other through this storm, and come out on the other side stronger. No virus can ever stop that. Stay safe everyone and thank you again for your support.
We are all in this together!
xoxo, Katie